Wednesday 29 June 2011

Review: Shen Yun Performing Arts

I’m very appreciate the show - Shen Yun performing arts which I have seen on 3rd February this year.It’s just Chinese New Year. Shen Yun performing arts is based in New York and performed worldwide. “Shen Yun demonstrating the highest realm in arts and inspires the performing arts circle”, commended by Chi Cao who has seen this show in 2009. He is an internationally-acclaimed Chinese ballet dancer, the lead actor in the famous film “Mao’s last dancer” , a principal dancer and an artist director in Birmingham Royal Ballet Company. I’m totally agree with what he commended, I love every part of this show and highly recommended it to everyone.

This show has about 20 programmes and every year it has all new programmes, some programmes are interesting traditional stories by dancing. The show is narrated by two hosts, one who explains each upcoming scene in English and the other in Chinese. It is special that the show has a very big animated backdrops which can help you to understand the meaning of the stories, and it also connected the real stage with the imagination or other spaces which can not be performed on the stage. Such as how can a person fly to the heaven? They use the animated backdrops to accurately coordinate with the dancers to demonstrate this imagination. They are genius, that is what I can only say! It’s fabulous!  I’m really appreciate the animated backdrops, it’s just like a film and you can enjoy the vivid stage at same time.

China has many dynasties in its over 5000 years history. In this show, I have seen the diverse cultures from the different dynasties, the different traditional costumes, and different choreograph from different dynasties and ethnic group. I even felt that I was travelling the legends of the culture’s creation over 5,000 years, from the highest heavens down to the dusty plateaus of the Middle Kingdom.

The live orchestra played an important role of this show, which combines the western and traditional Chinese instruments. I like the music which accurately coordinate the dancing. I was gripped the show. My heart and emotion floated with the music sing and dancing.  

I’m so touched by this performing arts. The reason is that this show not only have the beautiful traditional Chinese costumes, the glorious classical Chinese dance, but also you could see the spirit of  traditional Chinese culture which can not be seen in nowadays. Especially during the 10 years “Culture Revolution” in China from 1966 to 1976, the traditional Chinese culture has been destroyed. I found the precious spirit of transitional culture in this show, it’s not only for Chinese, but also for all human being.  All the stories told the audiences that why human being come to this world?And What’s the pledge?  When I in the theatre, I even felt my memory from preexistence had been waked by this show. I couldn’t control my tears sometimes. Not only me, most audiences moved to tears!

If a show can move the most audiences to tears, and highly appraised by mainstream, include artists, famous stars and professionals. It’s a must-see!

Here is the links of review from mainstream people.

Intro Video

Video: Shen Yun in North America

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Travel to a blue berry farm!

Hi everyone,

I want to share a special experience of visiting a blueberry farm located in Hamilton last summer.

Why did I decide to drive over two hours to visit a blueberry farm far away from Auckland?
One reason is that I was curious about how the blueberry bushes are grown. I wanted to take some photos and send to my parents, because I haven’t seen the blueberry bushes in China. The other reason is that I had a very good experience when I went to a strawberry farm during the Christmas holiday, so I thought I would have an exciting experience. Was it an exciting experience? I will tell you later.

The blueberry farm located at the 397 Jary Rd, off SH3 just south of Ohaupo is called “blueberry country”. It’s easy to find on the map, but not easy to get there. You’d better bring your GPS and control your driving speed, not only for the police but for your car’s windscreen. One part of the route is a gravel road which means there’s no tarmac. Unfortunately, my car’s windscreen was hitted by a small stone even I was only driving at 20 km/h that day.

Why do so many people like to visit the blueberry farm in the summer?  Some of them are just
curious about the blueberry bushes which are  not easy to be seen in their own county. They like to have the experience of picking by their own. Others think that they are cheaper and fresher than the blueberries sold in the supper-markets, they like to pick them in the farm.

For me, it is a good experience to visit there, but that may be the last time to go there. It was amazing to see the blueberry bushes, the rounded ripe and half ripe blueberries with purple and pink skin which are hidden in the green leaves. But they are quite harder to pick than strawberries. I spent over 2 hours and only picked a half ice-cream size box of blueberries and I felt very tired. And also there are more insects in the blueberry farm than strawberry farm, which make you feel terrible. So I know that why blueberries are so expensive in the food town. We paid for our blueberries at reception and enjoyed the fresh blueberry ice cream in there.

Anyway, there were a bit of disappointment, but we really got what we wanted. It was not bad, but a special experience I won’t forget.  

To be honest, I’m not strongly suggest you to visit blueberry farms. But if you do want to visit,
Here is some suggestions for you.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

What I am thinking about my blog posts

I'm thinking about writing a review and a travel guide entry.

For the review, I think I'm going to write about a show which I've seen on February or a program call "Zoom In'. The Former one is wonderful, It's glorious, I can't forget it until now. The "Zoom in" program is interesting, It give us a very different view at some events happened in our sociey.

For the traver guide entry, I'm glad to introduce an excited experience when I went to blueberry farm in hamillton 2 month ago.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hello Everyone!

Hi Everyone

This is my 7th blog since 2005, I changed many times, moved from one hosting to another.